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Bus Routes

Sweetwater Bus Routes

Sweetwater Community Schools has bus stops across the entire district. Locations vary depending upon student enrollment. When a student is enrolled they are assigned a bus stop at that time. For more information, contact the school front office.

PVSchools aims to provide secure spaces for every student in classrooms, facilities, and during transportation. 

To better ensure that drivers are able to maintain the bus route schedule, student riders are asked to arrive at their bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Afternoon drop-off times are estimated and may vary. Additional delays may occur.

Bus routes are identified by route number, not the bus number. Route numbers are found on placards that are mounted to the side of each bus. By using these placards, staff can quickly make changes to buses in the event of a breakdown or need to substitute a driver.

Bus Route Number Placard | Disregard Bus Number

Bus Safety

Because, student safety is of primary concern. All students are expected to abide by the bus rules and show respect for the driver of the bus and other riders. Students breaking these rules will be subject to disciplinary action and may lose the privilege of riding the bus.

Video monitoring systems are in place on most PVSchools buses.

High school students must display their bus identification in order to ride the bus. Open Enrollment students are not eligible for district transportation.

Bus Rules

All passengers are under the authority of the bus driver and shall observe the following rules:

  1. Obey the bus driver’s instructions and directions at all times.
  2. Bus aisles/emergency exits shall remain clear of all objects.
  3. Stay properly seated with your back against the seat back, your legs facing forward and all parts of your body out of the aisle.
  4. Keep your head, hands, feet and objects to yourself and inside the bus.
  5. Talk quietly, use respectful language – no profanity.
  6. No eating or drinking on the bus (water in plastic bottles is acceptable).
  7. Animals, insects, skateboards, glass containers, weapons/dangerous instruments, tobacco, alcohol or drugs are not permitted.
  8. No student has the right to interfere with the safety, well-being or learning of others.