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Sweetwater takes a personalized approach to earning credits. Every student has a unique learning journey, so Sweetwater bases credit attainment on course standards, not just "seat time." The dedicated teachers will help identify the specific competencies and standards required for each course, ensuring that students fully master the material before earning credit.

Sweetwater strongly believes that education is not a race but a fulfilling process that should be tailored to each student's strengths and needs. As such, students are encouraged to work at their own pace and take advantage of the individualized learning plans. The compassionate counselors, staff members, and administrators are always available to provide guidance and support in creating, clarifying, or modifying a personalized plan that works best for each student.

All efforts will be made while a student is enrolled in a course to help that student achieve 70 percent or better. Sweetwater Community School is on a nine-week "semester" schedule versus 18 weeks. This is designed so students can make up credits twice as fast and graduate on time. Therefore, all coursework and finals must be completed by the last day of each quarter. All extensions will be given into the next academic quarter with permission from the teacher of record.

Transcripts of new students will be evaluated according to AdvancEd standards and credits will be entered on the permanent record. Transfer students whose transcripts indicate courses which received less than one-half credit per semester may be awarded the extra credit if the sending school verifies that the course met standards for a Carnegie unit. In such cases, the credit will be entered on the permanent record as it appears on the transcript. An asterisk (*) will be placed beside the credit in question and a note will appear on the record stating, “The credit required for graduation has been altered for this student by the given amount of credit."

Sweetwater Community School transcripts may be requested by contacting the front office. Please call 602.449.2300, Monday - Friday, between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.